Saying no to good things, saying yes to gooder things

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August 20th, 2018, is marked in my OneNote as the first podcast note. It’s got a list of equipment needed, links to articles, and possible interviews.

At that point, we had nothing but an idea that Patrick and I had.

In 2023, we have a business surrounding the podcast and over 140 episodes on most major platforms. That feels good.


I’ve been the podcast host for over 5 years. I’ve poured 100s of hours into it over those years. Initially, I booked the interviews, wrote the questions, interviewed the guests, and edited the audio. It was terrible. And wonderful.


Now, I do all that is the podcast minus editing (thank God for Nico!).


My point: this has been a major passion project for an extended period of time.


And I’m taking a step back in 2024. That feels weird.


There are moments when you have to practice something you know is true, and it’s pretty uncomfortable. This is one of those moments for me. I’ve never been here before.


And it’s the right move.


Here’s the deal: The Impact of Leadership Podcast has brought hundreds of listeners dozens of hours of valuable content. It’s a good thing.


But I have a better thing in front of me that needs my attention.


I’ve been chosen to take over the Marketing department at my full-time job with CCB Technology. (I’ll still be over the Sales team, too, folding in the Marketing department)

This is a huge opportunity; I can’t have my time and attention divided. So, I had to make a choice. Saying no to this good thing to fulfill a better thing.


Melody Bernhardt has been the VP of Marketing for over 12 years and is retiring. She’s helped establish CCB Technology’s presence in our industry. The Marketing team has built momentum, and I need to keep that momentum going. (Olivia & Ashley, I promise I won't mess it all up...right away)


At this point, I can imagine you’re thinking something like “this is an easy decision, it’s a huge promotion so don’t mess it up.”


Love clouds clear decision-making. At least it does for me. I do this with my wife and kids all the time.

Others can see areas where I need to tighten up how I’m parenting or caring for my wife. When you’re in it, you need perspective.


To gain perspective, I asked people that I trust what I should do.


I know, mind-blowing.

It’s another “practice what you preach” moment. Each of the people I met with had insightful questions and advice. The feedback pointed to me pausing my involvement with The Impact of Leadership for 2024.


So, I’ll be wrapping up a few last podcasts, and this will be my last blog post for the next year.


I will fully focus on the transition into VP of Sales and Marketing in 2024. CCB Technology has been in business for over 30 years; there’s a lot riding on this going well.


And we know no one drifts into excellence—success won’t just happen.


IOL (Patrick) will push out social media posts and publish podcasts and blogs, so keep following us, giving feedback, and sharing your stories. You fuel IOL to keep going.


Thanks for the encouragement over these last several years; it’s meant more than you know.


If you think of me, pray that I don’t mess this up 😊.


Talk to you again soon,



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