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It Is Not Your Fault, But It Is Your Problem

It Is Not Your Fault…. But It Is Your Problem What does it mean and how does it impact people when problems occur? Read the blog as it breaks down the phrase while giving application.

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Be Prepared: 7 Questions to Ask at Your Next Lunch Meeting

...your motive isn’t to gain a friend or to be wowed by a whimsical story. Instead, you want wisdom, guidance, connection, and to have the time be of value to them as well. But how do you do that?

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Best Self Morning Routine (Detailed Description)

If I wasn’t going bass fishing or meeting my brothers to bow hunt, I really didn’t see the point in getting up earlier than I needed to. Fast forward several years and few kids later, I'm now the

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The Enneagram: What, How & Why

Aside from the valuable benefit of learning about yourself, the Enneagram can also help strengthen your relationships with others.

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3 Overlooked Leadership Characteristics: Curiosity, Winsomeness & Deference

"My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North...Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next."

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Happy New Year. Now Fire Yourself!

My dad taught me that it’s important to fire yourself at the end of the year, wait 10 seconds, soak up that horrible feeling, and then rehire yourself. Why in the world would my dad tell me to do this each year? Give yourself a scare and new outlook. It’s better to pretend to fire yourself before it happens for real. Now strategize! What would you do differently if yo...

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Resources to Help Prepare You for a Leadership Role

I’ve heard it said that “you fall to your highest level of preparation” and so I began absorbing as much advice as I could. My goal wasn’t (and still isn’t) to just be known as an excellent leader.

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Comfort Kills Growth: Preparing Mentally For Healthy Conflict (script included)

We like being comfortable, but comfort doesn’t lead to growth. As you take steps toward introducing healthy conflict in your home or at work, here are 4 things to be mentally prepared for. 

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The Importance of Knowing Yourself

You walk out of the meeting, shaking your head. You feel overwhelmed and frustrated, but you're not sure why. You just know that you're tired of these meetings always

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How To Choose What You Have: That Grass Over There Ain’t Any Greener

Finally, I’ve accepted this old adage instead: the grass is greenest where you water it.

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