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Should You Sell?

4 Things to Consider Let’s talk about selling your business. Cue the theme music to the movie Jaws. I see the terror on your face as you think about a larger predator ripping your business to shreds. I see you imagining your staff scared, legs dangling in the water, unsure about what’s underneath. I see you mentally swimming helplessly out in the open ocean, making l...

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You Control the Car

Doing business at your own pace My daughter is going off to college in the Fall and while I’m so proud of her for taking the opportunity to leave home and grow, I’m also sad to say that she’s going all the way to Ohio. It’s a small Christian school that she loves and it’s within driving distance, but it does require driving through Chicago. On a recent trip...

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Going Through the Storm

Practicing Resilience in the Face of Trials Due to unfortunate genetics (mine), my eight-year-old son has been required to wear a very conspicuous orthodontic device day and night. It’s officially called a headgear and consists of a metal bar over his face, connecting a pad on his forehead to a pad on his chin. It pulls his upper jaw forward, ensuring that his bite will be aligned, and...

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Leading Like Shepherds

When we talk about good leaders in history we often think about glory. We think about their accomplishments, their strengths, and their greatness. We think about their renown and their authority. We think about standing on stages, accepting awards and accolades and names being written in history books. We rarely hear the term “leadership” and think of a lowly shepherd wading...

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You Can Bring Up the Room

Choosing positivity and encouragement I recently sat in a meeting where those in leadership roles spoke very poorly to one another. Their tones were snippy, their responses were short, and their questions sounded loaded like large rifles ready to discharge should the answer cause even the slightest bit of frustration. I felt all the positive air in the room slowly leak out like a balloon pri...

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What Kind of Impact Are We Making?

Introducing the Legacy Builder Series It’s a typical weekday night. The clock says 4:45pm and I am hustling in the kitchen. The oven is cranked up to 400°F ready to roast tonight’s cauliflower, though it’s not yet cut. The water on the stove is boiling, sending steam to the ceiling while the rinsed rice sits neglected next to the sink. I’m dicing raw chicken on th...

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Word of The Year – 2024

How have you entered the new year? Did you create new year resolutions? Did you create new goals? Did you pick a word for you to focus on in the new year? All of these are things I have done to go after 2024. Why do we think a new year will change our life? One word…HOPE! I know one year is only separated by seconds, but it gives me HOPE that...

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Saying no to good things, saying yes to gooder things

I'm taking a step back from The Impact of Leadership in 2024. That feels weird.

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The Cost of Ignoring Curiosity: What's Lost When the Flame Flickers

“Then, one day, I was driving my little boy to school, and I saw a quote by Walt Whitman; it was painted on the wall there and it said, ‘Be curious, not judgmental.’ I like that.” (Ted throws a dart.)

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Strategy, Planning, Execution: Paintball & Business

This weekend I had the opportunity to be part of my wife’s family reunion. The South came to Wisconsin for a wonderful weekend of food, fellowship, and paintball. Yep! The family that shoots each other stays together. No that is not how the expression goes but it worked for us. I learned several things while playing paintball this weekend. First, I am terrible at it. Second, it requires a...

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