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Why Losing Great Employees Hurts Like A Mickey Fickey!

Have you ever heard someone say, “This is business, don’t take it personal!” That phrase is not true. I understand the person is trying to imply, “I’m not trying to hurt you directly, but this is what is best for me or the business.” That phrase could be said to an employee when their comp plan is getting lowered, changing an employee’s job duty, or whe...

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The Power of Human Connection Is Real

Have you ever had a friend, coworker, or a long-time contact reach out to you and say “It’s been a long time! I’m checking in to see how you are doing. Let’s catch up!” If you have, wasn’t that the best feeling? I had two people do that for me recently, and it made me feel so good. Why? As people we were created to have relationships with othe...

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Never Give Up! Never Give Up! Never Give Up!

It’s been several months since I wrote or posted about my 1st and 2nd grade Bronco football team. I’m not proud to say this but I didn’t want to admit that we were 0-7 going into Saturday’s game. I was asked often, “How is the coaching going? Are you having fun?” I would smile and say “Um, it’s going okay. The kids are really learning.” Of c...

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Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Happy Thanksgiving! I know it was four days ago but it’s one of my favorite holidays so I’m extending it a little longer in this blog. I hope your holiday was shared with loved ones and friends. In my house it’s a special day to have a fire, drink coffee, watch parades, eat donuts, turkey/ham and tons of sides. We are sharing laughter, hugs, playing and watching foo...

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Casting Your 3 Year Vision Plan

Recently, I was asked by our executive business coach to cast a 3-year vision plan for the company. It sounded like an easy task till I realized the deadline for this plan was coming up fast. There were so many questions and doubts in my mind on how to do this well. I started out by doing research on where “the experts” felt the direction of the next 3 years would be going. As I was...

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Strengthen Your Team’s Communication With DISC

Imagine this situation, a meeting is called to discuss goals for the next quarter. The meeting is scheduled to start at 9am in the main conference room. The first person to arrive 10 minutes early is Dwight. He proudly says out loud to himself “Time is money! If you aren’t 10 minutes early, then you are late!” Next to arrive is Jan who is 5 minutes early. She looks at ...

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Why Definitions Matter

Your people want to know what you’re talking about. Donald Miller has two phrases that I quote often, “no one will follow you into a fog” and “if you confuse, you’ll lose.”

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Prepare For Your Moment In Work & Life

My youngest son was able to play his first year of tackle football last Fall. He loved watching football with me, playing Madden on his game system but this was going to be his first real experience of being tackled. Was I nervous? Yes. Was I excited? Saying I was thrilled would be an understatement! We picked his number to be #16 because he wanted to play quarterback. I went to the University ...

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The Social Styles of the Enneagram

There are three numbers in each class, making three sets of three. They are easily identifiable when you think about how you might enter a room.

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The Power of Listening

Here are a couple of tips on how to practice listening that is empathetic, attentive, and non-judgmental. 

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