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Spidey Sense Is Your Superpower

Life teaches you a lot of lessons through successes and failures. It’s all a choice if you learn from those situations. Our desire at IOL is to help all leaders grow and get better for your teams. A lot of wisdom comes from your past experiences with people. It is critical to “listen to your spidey sense” when you feel it. Trust me, this is your superpower! What the h...

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Happy Labor Day Business Owners, Leaders & Employees

Today the US recognizes all the hard work those employees and owners do daily to keep our economy moving forward. One day does not equal all the hours, days, and years of hard work but it’s still at least a moment to pause and recognize the sacrifices made daily. Success is earned not given! It’s important everyone takes time to stop and recognize that gift of being able to...

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Five Benefits Gained Through Healthy Conflict

How do you respond when someone disagrees with you? We all have different personalities, so responses can vary from each other. My team and I have been taught in the past year the importance of having healthy conflict with each other. Why? How? That is what I thought when we started our training but by the end, I realized the need is critical for trust to be strengthen as the foundation of your...

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Strategy, Planning, Execution: Paintball & Business

This weekend I had the opportunity to be part of my wife’s family reunion. The South came to Wisconsin for a wonderful weekend of food, fellowship, and paintball. Yep! The family that shoots each other stays together. No that is not how the expression goes but it worked for us. I learned several things while playing paintball this weekend. First, I am terrible at it. Second, it requires a...

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Leading At Home: Parenting With Presence, Fun & Structure

Being a parent is more important than anything you do at the office. Soak up the kid years; they’ll be gone before the work years are.

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Saying no to good things, saying yes to gooder things

I'm taking a step back from The Impact of Leadership in 2024. That feels weird.

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The Enneagram: Learn Your Number (pt. 1)

If you have been told that you have a strong personality, that you get things done, or that you impact the mood of a room, then perhaps you are one of these three numbers.

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Word of The Year – 2024

How have you entered the new year? Did you create new year resolutions? Did you create new goals? Did you pick a word for you to focus on in the new year? All of these are things I have done to go after 2024. Why do we think a new year will change our life? One word…HOPE! I know one year is only separated by seconds, but it gives me HOPE that...

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You Control the Car

Doing business at your own pace My daughter is going off to college in the Fall and while I’m so proud of her for taking the opportunity to leave home and grow, I’m also sad to say that she’s going all the way to Ohio. It’s a small Christian school that she loves and it’s within driving distance, but it does require driving through Chicago. On a recent trip...

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Leveraging Laughter: 8 Ways Humor Creates a Better Workplace

“Laughter supports peak levels of performance by changing our perception of what stresses us and helps to relax us physically. It may even improve the immune

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