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Leveraging Laughter: 8 Ways Humor Creates a Better Workplace

“Laughter supports peak levels of performance by changing our perception of what stresses us and helps to relax us physically. It may even improve the immune

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8 Foundations for Building a Winning Culture

Taking ownership means being accountable to both managers and peers. Each team member has a specific purpose and

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How Routines Aid In Your Mental Health as a Leader

We all have habits. That’s not the problem. The problem is having the right habits and making it easier to do the right habits. And here’s the good news-to get started you

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Resources to Help Prepare You for a Leadership Role

I’ve heard it said that “you fall to your highest level of preparation” and so I began absorbing as much advice as I could. My goal wasn’t (and still isn’t) to just be known as an excellent leader.

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Building Blocks of a Successful Company: People, Tools, Processes

The thrilling part? I was excited about being able to make changes to help the company grow in its success, both culturally and profitably. I knew results would take time, but I struggled

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Be Prepared: 7 Questions to Ask at Your Next Lunch Meeting

...your motive isn’t to gain a friend or to be wowed by a whimsical story. Instead, you want wisdom, guidance, connection, and to have the time be of value to them as well. But how do you do that?

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Being Present While Staying Apart

As we moved to work from home in March of ‘20, I expected that we would be doing this for a month, maybe two – tops. During this time, I’m glad we didn’t wait to get back to the office to connect with

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Leadership Lessons Learned in my First Year as an Executive

Anyone that has been in management for more than 13 minutes knows how it can be when trying to lead well. Sometimes you feel like First Lieutenant Dick Winters, leading

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