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Stick To The Facts Not The Feelings

Since I was a little boy, I have often allowed my feelings to be the main driver for my actions. I remember once in elementary school during recess when my feelings drove my actions. We were having a good time playing when another kid came running up to us, and said, “Trisha is in trouble!” Without hesitation, I took off without knowing any further details. In my mind, I was going t...

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Don’t Be Your Own Worst Enemy: 4 Ways to Fight Negative Self-Talk

Our thoughts are essential. They determine how we act in the world, how we love, how successful we are, and how we show up.

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Comfort Kills Growth: Preparing Mentally For Healthy Conflict (script included)

We like being comfortable, but comfort doesn’t lead to growth. As you take steps toward introducing healthy conflict in your home or at work, here are 4 things to be mentally prepared for. 

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The Enneagram: Learn Your Number (pt. 3)

...these numbers are known for allowing the present to inform them more than the past or the future. They often act on the moment.

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Leave A Legacy & Be A History Maker

My family and I recently toured Washington DC. We saw some amazing things like the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, The White House, United States Capital, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Museum of the Bible and Arlington Cemetery. Did I mention that was all done in 2 days? My wife is super star planner. So many emotions were felt as we visited each one. However, the prou...

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The Enneagram: Learn Your Number (pt. 2)

This grouping of types is known as the withdrawing social stance. They are the ones that "move away" from the world. These numbers often accept the

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Growth Happens Through Healthy Conflict

Healthy conflict is the middle ground between acting like everything’s fine and attacking someone’s character. It involves...

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The Enneagram: Learn Your Number (pt. 1)

If you have been told that you have a strong personality, that you get things done, or that you impact the mood of a room, then perhaps you are one of these three numbers.

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Spidey Sense Is Your Superpower

Life teaches you a lot of lessons through successes and failures. It’s all a choice if you learn from those situations. Our desire at IOL is to help all leaders grow and get better for your teams. A lot of wisdom comes from your past experiences with people. It is critical to “listen to your spidey sense” when you feel it. Trust me, this is your superpower! What the h...

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The Social Styles of the Enneagram

There are three numbers in each class, making three sets of three. They are easily identifiable when you think about how you might enter a room.

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