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Be Not Anxious: A Leader Worth Following

It’s not the well-thought-out things of criminal masterminds that will derail us. It’ll be the human things that anxious people do. 

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The Enneagram: What, How & Why

Aside from the valuable benefit of learning about yourself, the Enneagram can also help strengthen your relationships with others.

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Laugh, Cry, or Punch A Hole Through The Wall

The hit tv show, The Office, often imitates true office culture. In one episode of The Office, Jim Halpert (John Krasinski) becomes frustrated with his coworker's, Andy Bernard (Ed Helms), need for attention. As a prank, Jim takes Andy’s cell phone and hides it above the office area in the ceiling. Andy's cell phone has the ring tone sound of himself singing all four quartet parts...

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The Importance of Knowing Yourself

You walk out of the meeting, shaking your head. You feel overwhelmed and frustrated, but you're not sure why. You just know that you're tired of these meetings always

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The Great Resignation: People Quit Jobs Not Bosses

Our Executive team had to brace ourselves as we looked at each other and asked, “Is it us? Why are we bleeding good people?”. What we found are a few themes and made some moves.

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How To Boost Morale Quickly?

We only have 5 minutes till the next employee starts looking for a new place to work. Dagnabbit! Yeah, that is how I feel too. What are we going to do about it as leaders? You can get your butt kicked or we can fight back?! Lace up the gloves and let’s punch this “great resignation” in the mouth! How? $100 handshake vs. $100 Christmas Gift Break ...

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3 Overlooked Leadership Characteristics: Curiosity, Winsomeness & Deference

"My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North...Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next."

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Why Losing Great Employees Hurts Like A Mickey Fickey!

Have you ever heard someone say, “This is business, don’t take it personal!” That phrase is not true. I understand the person is trying to imply, “I’m not trying to hurt you directly, but this is what is best for me or the business.” That phrase could be said to an employee when their comp plan is getting lowered, changing an employee’s job duty, or whe...

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Your Goals Set A Direction But Your Systems Lead To Progress

“Goals are about the results you want to achieve. Systems are about the processes that lead to those results.”

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