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Decoding Curiosity: Exploring the 5 Dimensions and Finding Your Profile

"Curiosity refers to the recognition, pursuit, and exploration of novel, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous events where there is a feeling of interest and the potential for learning."

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Attitude of Gratitude: Bring On The Corn

Happy Thanksgiving! Is it just me or do you also find it hard to believe that we are already at this point where we have Thanksgiving and Christmas literally in front of us?! I normally love these two holidays but HOLY MOLY this year has flown by way too fast. I am officially old because I say that every year now. Well, this blog is something I needed to write because I am not ready...

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Encouragement, Flattery and Trusting Teams: Part 3, The Leaders Role

The responsibility to cultivate trust also involves guarding against toxic leadership. Toxic behavior erodes trust faster than any external factor.

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Three Poor Leadership Traits

Lets be real. No filters. No BS. Three Poor Leadership Traits that I have done and really messed up: Lack of emotional intelligence Strong passiveness Being too nice Lack of emotional intelligence: Are you able to see how your team views you as a leader? Are you present when your team needs you? Are you disappearing at stressful times?...

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Encouragement, Flattery and Trusting Teams: Part 2 Countering Toxic Leadership

By actively countering toxic behaviors, promoting open communication, and creating a positive work environment, authentic encouragement is a beacon of trust within teams.

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Last Friday, I was able to attend a leadership conference with several of my leaders. We were able to hear several speakers focus on leadership and how to inspire our teams. There was one speaker that really made an impact on me because her message got me to think about how my leadership could be inspiring or draining my team. The speaker was Liz Wiseman and her book is titled MULTIPLIE...

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Encouragement, Flattery and Trusting Teams: Part 1 Encouragement vs. Flattery Defined

Authentic encouragement is a cornerstone in the foundation of trusting teams. It cultivates authenticity, open communication, mutual support, and empowerment. Flattery doesn't.

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Leadership Exposed: Sharing My Mistakes & Lessons Learned (New Podcast Series)

The past few months, I have launched a new series called “Leadership Exposed” on our podcast. This idea was born as Steve Scherer and I were thinking about new ways to connect with our listeners. We asked ourselves.... What are leaders needing to grow? How can I help them? What do I wish I knew when I started out as a leader? Then it hit me, leaders need to hear the t...

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Episode 117 | Leadership Resources (Published August of 2022)

Episode 117 is only 10 minutes long and highlights resources to keep you and your team growing.

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Three Hardest Words To Say…“I Don’t Know!”

I was sitting in a sales meeting when I heard Steve Scherer say for the first time, “I don’t know how this is going to turn out. That is the truth. But I am going to work hard to figure it out.” The room filled with silence. I was in disbelief that I just heard my VP of Sales tell the entire team that he wasn’t sure what was going to happen next. I was filled with fear t...

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