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Productive Debate: Practically Defined, Real Life Example & Checklist

It’s possible to demonstrate leadership excellence while not getting your way. It’s possible to engage in an energized disagreement and have people respect you more after the fact.

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Happy Labor Day Business Owners, Leaders & Employees

Today the US recognizes all the hard work those employees and owners do daily to keep our economy moving forward. One day does not equal all the hours, days, and years of hard work but it’s still at least a moment to pause and recognize the sacrifices made daily. Success is earned not given! It’s important everyone takes time to stop and recognize that gift of being able to...

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Starting a Podcast 101: Free Tools, Checklist, Sample Questions & Timeline

I asked some of my friends what they thought about our idea of launching a podcast, the responses were helpful and funny. The best response: “Podcasts are this generation's lower back tattoo.” 🤣

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Prepare For Your Moment In Work & Life

My youngest son was able to play his first year of tackle football last Fall. He loved watching football with me, playing Madden on his game system but this was going to be his first real experience of being tackled. Was I nervous? Yes. Was I excited? Saying I was thrilled would be an understatement! We picked his number to be #16 because he wanted to play quarterback. I went to the University ...

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Navigating Cross-Departmental Conflict

Cross-departmental conflict can feel like you’re stepping into a minefield.  Pride, defensiveness, and territorial feelings are all possibilities lying right below the surface.

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The Power of Human Connection Is Real

Have you ever had a friend, coworker, or a long-time contact reach out to you and say “It’s been a long time! I’m checking in to see how you are doing. Let’s catch up!” If you have, wasn’t that the best feeling? I had two people do that for me recently, and it made me feel so good. Why? As people we were created to have relationships with othe...

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Smoke Is Your Friend, Fire Is Not!

It was the first cold night in the Fall of 2009 and my family wanted a fire. We did everything as usual, stacked the wood, put paper underneath, opened the chimney flue and started the fire with a match. We were sitting in the family room with the TV off so we could talk. It was probably 5 minutes later, when I heard popping noises coming from the fireplace. I got up, looked carefully, and coul...

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The Power of Listening

Here are a couple of tips on how to practice listening that is empathetic, attentive, and non-judgmental. 

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How To Build Trust - Demonstrate Humility, Go First, Check Motives

There’s a ditch on either side of these conversations ahead of you. On one side, there’s the ditch of your selfish motives. And on the other side are your unrealistic expectations.

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How To Choose What You Have: That Grass Over There Ain’t Any Greener

Finally, I’ve accepted this old adage instead: the grass is greenest where you water it.

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